
The in-ground compost system and growth hub for your garden that turns food waste into living soil with no smells or mess, all within your own space.

Inventor | Founder | Director

Composting your food waste has never been this simple. Designed and invented by Andrew Hayim De Vries, the Subpod® in-garden compost system works with nature, using worms and microbes to compost organic waste without the odours, vermin, mess and hard work of traditional composting.

Subpod® not only disposes of your organic waste, but is also the ‘growth hub’ for your garden. The movement of worms and microbes between your Subpod® and garden bed builds soil fertility and plant health, allowing you to grow nutrient-dense food at home with ease.




  • Diverting food waste from landfill and repurposing it to build soil

  • Reducing carbon footprint for home and commercial

  • Rebuilding soil fertility and improving the life and quality of edible plants


  • Subpod feeds the soil all year round, saving costs on fertilisers and water consumption

  • Growing edible food in a Subpod garden reduces spend on herbs and vegetables

  • Reduction in home and commercial waste, lowering the need for waste services

  • Provides work opportunities within the community for caretakers and gardeners


  • Creates an interactive learning environment for community, schools and workplaces

  • Interactive seating for cafes and restaurants

  • Talking point for businesses and communities


  • Interactive learning environment for all ages

  • Can create a new learning stream or supplement existing curriculum for schools and communities

  • Hands-on, practical learning for kids